Not at all. You’ll find that our classes for beginners are the perfect way to build up your overall fitness level regardless of your physical condition. Good luck!
Although we strongly advise that you should just drop by and participate in one of our session, you certainly are more than welcome to come and watch a class.
Not at all. Karate is for all ages.
In our beginners classes, all combat techniques are thought to be delivered in controlled manner and generally no contact is allowed. However very rare accidental contacts can occur, which are superficial and depending on what you'd consider as hurt, are usually overcome very quickly.
Something comfortable (tracksuit bottoms and T-shirt) and don't worry about footwear as we train in bare feet. Should you then choose to continue, you can order your embroidered karate Gi (karate suit) through us.
Here's a 6 million dollar question! - The fact is that in karate, we will never stop learning. So the question is, how much time do you have?
Although injuries are part and parcel of physical activities, our classes are conducted in controlled environments, hence injuries are very rare.
Ashton-in-Makerfield Classes: Tiger Cubs - Mondays and Friday (16:00-17:00) Beginners - Mondays and Friday (17:00-18:00) Advanced - Mondays and Friday (18:00-19:30) _________________________________________ Winstanly Classes: Tiger Cubs - Tuesdays and Friday (16:00-17:00) Beginners - Tuesdays and Friday (17:00-18:00)
We currently operate 10 various sessions per week. Depending on the program you choose to participate in, you are required to train a minimum of two sessions per week within that module to be in line with the quarterly grading schedule.
Training fees are £5 per person per session payable at the start of each month, which are nonrefundable and cannot be transferred or carried over onto the following month.