
Women's Self Defence Group

Many women have been conditioned to ignore the little voice that tells them trouble is coming. Your instinct is the best detector of danger. The next time you hear that little voice, listen to what it’s saying! We will teach you simple, practical yet effective techniques to surprise and stop an attacker without filling your head with false sense of security.

  • Stay alert / trust your instincts
  • Practice Target Denial
  • Practice Preemptive attacks

Although most women’s self-defence courses focus on skills for quickly and efficiently destroying an attacker, we believe self-defence training also should include methods for preventing a confrontation from turning physical in the first place. Learning how to steer away from a threat may not sound as exciting as ripping out an attacker’s heart, but as it is said in every beginner’s class, evading an attack is almost always superior to blocking an attack. These classes are strictly for 17 years+, usually designated for Saturdays and Sundays and by prior booking only. For further information, contact Sensei Orang.